Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Pirate Meets The Thin Man!

So I think maybe I’m a little psychic. Or maybe just super intuitive.

Way back in February of last year I wrote a post about franchises, focusing specifically on The Thin Man series and also referencing the shoulda-stopped-after-one Pirates of the Caribbean series. Little did I know over a year later these two franchises would be magically combined! How is this mash-up possible you ask? Picture Johnny Depp as Nick Charles, the cocktail-sipping, fast-quipping detective originated by William Powell, and you’ll get what I mean.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, it seems Warner Bros. is remaking the 1930s-through-40s franchise (six films over 13 years) with Captain Jack Sparrow himself in the lead role. Word is, Depp’s been trying to convince his Pirates 4 director Rob Marshall to direct him on this film too. Mind you, all of this is still in its early stages - there’s not even a script yet. But it’s an interesting prospect, no? We already know Depp has wit and swagger - plus he can rock a thin mustache.

Who do you think will snag the role of Nora, Nick’s sassy, wealthy wife and partner in solving crime, originally played by Myrna Loy? Cate Blanchett? Or am I just saying that because I believe she can do no wrong?

Two franchises merging into... a remake. Hollywood's really working overtime, isn't it?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Michelle as Marilyn!

Way back when (December to be exact), we posted that Michelle Williams was considering stepping into Marilyn Monroe's high-heeled pumps for the film My Week with Marilyn. Since that post not only as Williams accepted the role, she's begun filming it. As of today, the first pic of Williams as Marilyn was released, and let's just say she nails the blonde bombshell look.

The flick, due out in 2012, focuses on the personal account of assistant director Colin Clarke, who worked with Monroe and director Laurence Olivier on 1957's The Prince and the Showgirl. Word is, Monroe and Olivier did not get along. She drove him ca-razy. So crazy, in fact, that Olivier basically gave up on directing after that. Kenneth Branagh is playing Olivier and Eddie Redmayne is playing Colin Clarke.
What do you think of Williams' Marilyn look?